Maintenance Tips

Prevent Gunk Buildup
  • Brush the mower with a broom after each use
  • Once the mower stops running completely, remove caked of grass with a gloved hand.
  • Once or twice a year, thoroughly clean the mower.
  • Either unplug the mower or empty the gas tank. Turn the mower on its side and remove dirt and dried-on grass.
  • Scrub with a soft brush and soapy water, then rinse with a garden hose

Clean or Replace the Air Filter
  • Once or twice a year replace or clean the mower's filter.
  • Wash plastic foam filters with warm soapy water. Air dry then lightly coat with 2 tablespoons of mower oil.

Replace the Spark Plug
  • Once a year, when hanging the mower's oil, replace the spark plug.
  • Disconnect the spark plug wire, then remove the existing plug with a wrench or pliers.
  • Write down the code on the existing plug before purchasing a new one.

Keep the Blade Sharp
  • Dull Blade tear, rather than cut grass.
  • Have the blades sharpened after every 8-12 hours of use.
  • Keep a second blade handy in case one goes dull.

Empty the Fuel Tank
  • At the end of the season, empty the fuel tank by letting the engine run until it's out of gas.
  • Use the oil drain plug to drain the engine oil into a recycling container.
  • Refill the oil reservoir according to manufacturer's guidelines